Parenting support

Parenting neurodivergent children and young people can be challenging, especially when their needs continually change and when you get conflicting messages/advice from different places and people.

I have decades of experience in working with autistic/ADHD children and young people in a variety of ways and settings (most recently as a senior clinician at CAMHS), as well as lived experience of being an autistic parent to a neurodivergent young person. 

I now offer parents/carers of neurodivergent children/young people (with or without “official” diagnosis) parenting advice and support. I can advise, for example, on emotional health, CAMHS referrals, behaviour related issues, routines, assistive equipment, relationships, school/education, sleep, diet, benefits, grants, as well as activities and supports in the community. It is worth noting, that, in my work, I am always neuro- and LGBTQIA+ affirming, so I do not support ABA (applied behavioural analysis) or any kinds of conversion “therapies”.

I currently work on Zoom and telephone. The sessions can be ad hoc, weekly, or at any other intervals, according to need. Sessions can be either 30 or 50 min long.

If you would like to book a free 15 min (no obligation) appointment with me, please click here.