About me

I am Kirsti Willis (she/they), a late diagnosed autistic, HCPC registered Art Psychotherapist and a member of BAAT. In addition to art psychotherapy, I offer counselling and parenting support, as well as mental health mentoring (through Theorise) and neurodiversity consultancy/training. In my work, I am always neuro- and LGBTQIA+ affirming. I draw from my extensive professional knowledge and experience to offer my clients a well-rounded and comprehensive service. This ensures that they get the best possible chance of success in reaching their mental health related goals.

My academic background includes a BSc in Psychology (Hons), a PG Cert and MSc in Counselling Studies (person-centered and psychodynamic traditions), as well as an MSc in Art Psychotherapy and a BBA in International Business from my youth.

I have been working with autistic/ADHD children, young people and adults (of all ages) for two decades, in many different capacities. Most recently, I have been a senior clinician at CAMHS and a Senior Advisor (running an Emotional Wellbeing project) at Scottish Autism. I also have personal experience of having many close neurodivergent family members and friends, as well as, of course, being autistic (and likely ADHD) myself. Despite this personal experience (or partly because of it!), I very much appreciate that each client is different and what might work for one, might not work for another.

In addition to neurodivergence and LGBTQIA+, I also specialise in parenting/parenthood and perinatal mental health, as well as chronic conditions (such as Long COVID, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and MS).

I have worked with people with many different types of mental health conditions (for example anxiety/panic, low mood/depression, phobias, dissociation, attachment related difficulties, obsessive-compulsive conditions, bipolar and PD), as well as linked issues such as addiction and body dissatisfaction/disconnection. Furthermore, I am very aware of the fact that most (if not all) neurodivergent people carry some trauma (often C-PTSD from bullying and isolation), and I practice in a trauma informed way.

For your peace of mind, I am fully insured to provide both counselling and art psychotherapy. I am also registered with the ICO.

My personal background is somewhat diverse, as my roots are both in the Northern and Southern Europe, and I have lived in a few different European countries. Therefore, I think I have a slightly better than average appreciation of the impact and significance of culture on mental health, particularly for neurodivergent individuals. Some countries seem significantly ahead of others in the understanding of neurodivergence and/or mental health issues. These topics can be seen as taboo, which can make it very hard for neurodivergent individuals to find and receive appropriate support, or a diagnosis (should they want to obtain one). Due to me working online and telephone, I can work with people from most countries (and can accommodate different time zones). However, there are some exceptions, so please check about this with me.

My mother tongue is Finnish. Therefore, I can work in English and Finnish alike. I also speak a few other European languages, but not to the level required to work in them, at the moment.

If you would like to book a free 15 min (no obligation) appointment with me, please click here.